
As the R&D of magnetic fusion power demonstrating plants are approaching important steps toward concept designs, analysts are working parallelly on the safety assessment of such concepts to identify any potential risk. One of the safety concerns involves the confinement of radioactive substances during normal operation and accidental conditions. Several accident sequences inside the tokamak vacuum vessel or pressure suppression systems are characterized by the risk of hydrogen buildup and subsequent ignition that could threaten the structural confinement integrity. In the Safety and Environment work package of the EUROfusion consortium, possible approaches to mitigate the hydrogen explosion risk are under investigation. One of the exploratory solutions is based on limiting the hydrogen concentration that could reach flammable gas mixture conditions and using Passive Autocatalytic Recombiners (PARs) installed into the atmosphere of the pressure suppression systems tanks to recombine hydrogen.This paper examines the theoretical effectiveness of the PARs intervention during an in-vessel loss of coolant accident without the intervention of the decay heat removal system for the Water-Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) concept of EU-DEMO, using an optimization methodology. The involved systems have been modelled in MELCOR to estimate the PARs recombination capability as a function of the thermal-hydraulic parameters of the suppression tanks. Furthermore, the optimizer entity of the RAVEN tool is applied to perform optimization studies on the hydrogen recombination system design parameters. The goal is to explore the geometrical and thermal-hydraulic parameters that maximize the capability of the hydrogen removal system for the WCLL concept.

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