
Abstract Metal injection molding (MIM) is similar to plastic molding in many respects, but MIM compounds (metal powders with polymer binders) are more susceptible to thermally induced flow instability because of their higher thermal diffusivity. The flow patterns for a 17-4PH MIM compound were observed and simulated for mold filling through a diaphragm gate over a range of filling times and melt-mold interface temperatures. Simulation predicted the observed free annular jet and internal voids in the molded part and also predicted that initial contact with the outside wall of the gate would eliminate the jet, thereby reducing voids and surface defects. Parts made using a mold with a thicker gate verified these predictions. For combinations of operating conditions and mold geometry that gave large thermally induced viscosity gradients, both observation and simulation showed unstable, asymmetric flow. In these cases, flow slowed and stopped in one region of the gate and accelerated in other regions. When the flow was inherently unstable, simulations predicted an exponential growth in maximum temperature differences at symmetric locations in the mold gate. Based on 34 experimental observations and 102 simulations, a boundary was established between regions of stable and unstable flow in terms of the dimensionless Graetz number Gz (ratio of heat conduction time to fill time) and B, a dimensionless ratio indicating the sensitivity of viscosity to temperature differences in the mold. To establish a common basis for comparison of simulation and experiment, the melt-mold interface temperature was estimated using a heat transfer coefficient, which was a fixed value for experiment and a parameter for simulation.

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