
The computation of the fraction of the thermal radiation power that leaves one surface and arrives at another, ultimately requires the determination of the geometrical view factors for radiation modelling. Several methods for the calculation of geometrical factors are available, including contour integration, Monte Carlo and the Hemi-Cube methods. Analytical test cases are available as benchmarks of the view factor, such as for the well-known parallel plates case, which allow modellers to validate their geometrical factor routines. However, there are no analytical solutions that simultaneously combine view factor information with conductive and radiative heat transfer effects. This paper describes the construction of a simple test rig that allows experiments to be performed with emphasis on measuring the radiative heat transfer to benchmark coupled conduction and radiation heat transfer models in which convection aspects are of less importance. The equipment has been used to look at various heat transfer cases, such as, between parallel plates, between inclined hinged plates and the thermal effects of third surface shadowing. The models developed incorporate the Finite Element method and numerical methods for the view factor calculation. The results of these experiments are presented as benchmarking data for other model users and developers.

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