
The subsidence of the ocean floor subsequent to its formation at an ocean ridge can be predicted quantitatively using a simple one-dimensional cooling model and assuming isostasy. The evolution of a passive continental margin is in many ways similar to the evolution of the seafloor. A model for the subsidence and thermal evolution of continental-margin sedimentary basins can be obtained from a similarity solution to the one-dimensional heat-conduction problem. Continuous sedimentation and the subsequent compaction of the sediments are included in the analysis. Good quantitative agreement is obtained with subsidence record obtained from the COST B2 well in the Baltimore Canyon. The present measured thermal gradient is also in good agreement with the predicted value. The th rmal evolution obtained is used to predict the petroleum potential of the area. It is found that optimum conditions for the generation of petroleum occur between depths of 6 and 8 km. Petroleum occurrences at shallower depths would presumably require an upward migration of petroleum. End_of_Article - Last_Page 670------------

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