
We have studied the thermal entanglement as a function of the temperature for a two-qubits Heisenberg spins system; we have included Dzyaloshinskii---Moriya interaction (DM), an external magnetic field (EMF) and hyperfine interaction due to the nuclear field of the surrounding nuclei. A critical value for the EMF was found, around $$B^{(c)}_{\mathrm{ext},z} \sim 39$$Bext,z(c)~39 mT, which characterizes two regimes of behavior of the thermal entanglement. Our results show that the DM term acts as a facilitator for the entanglement because it prolongs the nonzero thermal entanglement for larger temperatures. We found that the concurrence as a function of the temperature has a local maximum, for values of the magnetic field larger than the critical field. We also show that the critical temperature $$T_\mathrm{c}$$Tc follows a polynomial growth as a function of the DM term, with characteristic behavior $$T_{\mathrm{c}} \sim \beta _{0}^{2}$$Tc~β02, and the hyperfine field implies a critical temperature as a function of the field variance, $$\sigma $$? of the form $$T_{\mathrm{c}} \sim \sigma ^{2}$$Tc~?2. We show that in this system, the entanglement measure by the concurrence and the one-spin polarization observable exhibit opposite behavior, providing a method to obtain the entanglement from the measurement of an observable.

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