
Thermal infrared spectral measurements will be made of the surface and atmosphere of Mars by the thermal emission spectrometer (TES) on board Mars Observer. By using these observations the composition of the surface rocks, minerals, and condensates will be determined and mapped. In addition, the composition and distribution of atmospheric dust and condensate clouds, together with temperature profiles of the CO2 atmosphere, will be determined. Broadband solar reflectance and thermal emittance measurements will also be made to determine the energy balance in the polar regions and to map the thermophysical properties of the surface. The specific science objectives of this investigation are to determine (1) the composition and distribution of surface materials, (2) the composition, particle size, and spatial and temporal distribution of suspended dust, (3) the location, temperature, height, and water abundance of H2O clouds, (4) the composition, seasonal behavior, total energy balance, and physical properties of the polar caps, and (5) the particle size distribution of rocks and fines on the surface. The instrument consists of three subsections: a Michelson interferometer, a solar reflectance sensor, and a broadband radiance sensor. The spectrometer covers the wavelength range from 6 to 50 μm (∼1600–200 cm−1) with nominal 5 and 10 cm−1 spectral resolution. The solar reflectance band extends from 0.3 to 2.7 μm; the broadband radiance channel extends from 5.5 to 100 μm. There are six 8.3‐mrad fields of view for each sensor arranged in a 3 × 2 array, each with 3‐km resolution at the nadir. Uncooled deuterated triglycine sulphate (DTGS) pyroelectic detectors provide a signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) of over 500 at 10 μm for daytime spectral observations at a surface temperature of 270 K. The SNR of the albedo and thermal bolometers will be approximately 2000 at the peak signal levels expected. The instrument is 23.6 × 35.5 × 40.0 cm, with a mass of 14.4 kg and an average power consumption of 14.5 W. The approach will be to measure the spectral properties of thermal energy emitted from the surface and atmosphere. Emission phase angle studies and day‐night observations will be used to separate the spectral character of the surface and atmosphere. The distinctive thermal infrared spectral features present in minerals, rocks, and condensates will be used to determine the mineralogic and petrologic character of the surface and to identify and study aerosols and volatiles in the atmosphere.

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