
ABSTRACTExperimental study of explosion prevention has been performed in the oil tank filled with suppression material. The kerosene in the pool is used as the fuel to ignite the gasoline and diesel oil tank to investigate the impact of suppression material on the degree of the deflagration. The pictorial information and temperature data are recorded by the high-speed camera and infrared imaging device, respectively. The maximum temperature of the fire in the tank within the filling material has apparently declined. The temperature of diesel oil liquid is greater than the diesel oil vapor. On the contrary, the temperature of gasoline vapor will keep arising and surpass the gasoline liquid. In the presence of suppression material, the average rate of temperature rise of the gasoline and diesel oil liquid is about 0.12 and 0.15 K/s, respectively. Damage of heat radiation effects to the human body from different combustion models has been compared with the effect of suppression material.

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