
Heat-resistant molds, including Neosartorya fischeri, are known to spoil thermally processed fruit products. The control measures required for such problems must not cause an appreciable loss of the organoleptic qualities of the final products. In the present study we determined the thermal death rates of ascospores of N. fischeri ATCC 200957 in fruit juices containing organic acids and preservatives. The ascospores were able to survive for more than 6 h of heating at 75°C, 5 h at 80°C, and 3 to 4 h at 85°C in mango or grape juice. Of the four organic acids tested, citric acid exhibited the maximal destruction of ascospores in mango juice at 85°C (l/k = 27.22 min), and tartaric acid the least (1/k = 61.73 min). The effect of common preservatives on the thermal death rates of ascospores at 85°C in mango and grape juices was studied. Almost similar effects on thermal inactivation of ascospores were noted when potassium sorbate (l/k = 29.38 min) or sodium benzoate (l/k = 27.64 min) or the combination of both (l/k = 27.53 min) was used in mango juice. In grape juice, potassium sorbate (l/k = 25.07 min) was more effective than sodium benzoate (l/k = 50.08 min) or the combination of both (l/k = 40.79 min) in inactivation of ascospores of the mold. The thermal death rate (l/k) values in mango and grape juices in the absence of any preservative were 63.51 and 69.27 min respectively.

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