
This paper presents the details of a new modified borehole shear device that has the capability of measuring the impact of temperature on the in situ shear stress–displacement curves for soil–concrete interfaces. The thermal borehole shear device incorporates concrete shoes with embedded heaters, a pneumatic loading device for application of horizontal normal stresses, and an automated loading system with local vertical displacement and load measurement systems that permits either displacement–control or load–control testing. A methodology for measurement of the soil–concrete shear stress–displacement curves and for evaluation of the drained interface shear strength failure envelopes at different temperatures is presented in this study. Typical results from proof-of-concept tests performed in a clay layer compacted in a laboratory tank in a borehole in a silty sand deposit in the field are presented in this paper. The results are synthesized to show how the impacts of temperature and normal stress on the normalized shear stress–displacement curves can be evaluated. These normalized curves can be measured on a site-specific basis for the calibration of thermo-mechanical load transfer analyses or finite element analyses, which are often used to design and evaluate soil–structure interaction in drilled shaft foundations with geothermal heat exchangers (energy foundations).

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