
In eastern Canada, the destruction of kelp beds by dense aggregations (fronts) of the omnivorous green sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, is a key determinant of the structure and dynamics of shallow reef communities. Recent studies suggest that hydrodynamic forces, but not sea temperature, determine the strength of urchin-kelp interactions, which deviates from the tenets of the metabolic theory of ecology (MTE). We tested the hypothesis that water temperature can predict short-term kelp bed destruction by S. droebachiensis in calm hydrodynamic environments. Specifically, we experimentally determined relationships among water temperature, body size, and individual feeding in the absence of waves, as well as among wave velocity, season, and aggregative feeding. We quantified variation in kelp-bed boundary dynamics, sea temperature, and wave height over three months at one subtidal site in Newfoundland to test the validity of thermal tipping ranges and regression equations derived from laboratory results. Consistent with the MTE, individual feeding during early summer (June-July) obeyed a non-linear, size- and temperature-dependent relationship: feeding in large urchins was consistently highest and positively correlated with temperature <12°C and dropped within and above the 12–15°C tipping range. This relationship was more apparent in large than small urchins. Observed and expected rates of kelp loss based on sea temperature and urchin density and size structure at the front were highly correlated and differed by one order of magnitude. The present study speaks to the importance of considering body size and natural variation in sea temperature in studies of urchin-kelp interactions. It provides the first compelling evidence that sea temperature, and not only hydrodynamic forces, can predict kelp bed destruction by urchin fronts in shallow reef communities. Studying urchin-seaweed-predator interactions within the conceptual foundations of the MTE holds high potential for improving capacity to predict and manage shifts in marine food web structure and productivity.


  • Shallow reef communities in high-latitude seasonal seas are exposed to considerable variation in thermal and hydrodynamic environments [1,2,3]

  • We argue that the apparent lack of a relationship between sea temperature and rates of individual and aggregative feeding in S. droebachiensis, may be because: 1) most of the studies yielding this conclusion are observational, which does not allow for proper testing and partitioning of causal links between temperature, wave action, and feeding; 2) wave conditions over which urchin-kelp interactions were measured were generally too high for temperature to emerge as a significant factor; and 3) effects of temperature on individual and aggregative urchin performance, and how they may change temporally, have been largely overlooked

  • The urchin front progressively moved into shallower water as it grazed down the lower margin of the kelp bed, and it may have been exposed to increasingly greater hydrodynamic forces resulting from lesser attenuation of wave motion at shallower depths [45]

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Shallow reef communities in high-latitude seasonal seas are exposed to considerable variation in thermal and hydrodynamic environments [1,2,3]. Mobile consumers in these environments typically exhibit behavioral shifts across gradients of water temperature and wave action to balance physiological requirements and biomechanical limitations [4,5,6]. Understanding plasticity in foraging and interspecific interactions of functionally important consumers is a key step toward anticipating and mitigating alterations to reef communities resulting from ongoing global shifts in sea temperature and state [16,17,18,19]

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