
This study investigated the factors affecting the fire safety analysis of the common construction material flexible polyurethane foam, based on combustion at various inclination angles and the ambient pressures at the altitudes of the cities of Hefei (99.8 kPa) and Lhasa (66.5 kPa). The effects of ambient air pressure, specimen width and inclination angle on the burning rate (as determined by mass loss), average flame spreading velocity, flame temperature and flame length were examined. The combustion rate was lower at 66.5 kPa and the wider specimens exhibited gradual spreading of the flame front in conjunction with melting and dripping. The burning rates at various inclinations were found to correlate with the pressure according to the expression ṁ∝pn,0.67<n<1.36, and this result can be explained based on pool fire theory. The average flame spreading velocity was found to correlate with pressure at various inclinations according to the relationship Va∝pn,2/3<n<1. The flame temperature was also observed to increase somewhat at the lower pressure, leading to an increase in the flame puffing frequency. Finally, a power law was used to describe the relationship between flame height and pressure, while a linear relationship was obtained between the index and the angle of inclination.

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