
Cancer, a formidable medical challenge, arises when body cells proliferate uncontrollably, deviating from their normal growth patterns. With over a hundred unique types, each variant of cancer is characterized by its specific causes, symptoms, and treatment modalities. Virtually no organ or tissue in the human body is immune to the potential onslaught of this disease. Among the myriad of treatments available, CAR-T cell therapy stands out as a revolutionary approach, especially in the realm of lung cancer treatment. This cutting-edge immunotherapy harnesses the body's own immune system to combat cancerous cells. This review delves deep into the intricacies of CAR-T cell therapy, elucidating its underlying mechanism and its specific role in targeting lung cancer. Furthermore, the article sheds light on the current applications of this therapy, its potential side effects, and its prospective advancements, offering hope for a future where lung cancer can be more effectively managed or even eradicated.

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