
The prevalence of bronchiectasis not due to cystic fibrosis (NCFB) increases with older age. Because of multifaceted etiology of bronchiectasis an extensive diagnostic approach is essential. This includes in-depth anamnesis and a high resolution CT scan of the chest (HRCT). The pathophysiological mechanism with infection, inflammation, secretion retention and destruction determine the therapeutic options. In patients with high rates of exacerbations and severe diseases physicians should think of inhaled antibiotics and macrolids. In case of localized bronchiectasis and failure of conventional therapy surgery of bronchiectasis is an effective treatment option. In some cases surgery is necessary due to haemoptysis, aspergilloma, lung abscess and pleuraempyema. To improve the treatment options of bronchiectasis results of epidemiological, basically and clinical research trials are expected and needed.

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