
To investigate the determinants of the therapeutic working relationship and better understand its intrapersonal and interpersonal nature, this study investigated therapist characteristics as predictors of the formation and development of patient-rated and therapist-rated working alliances within a clinical trial of short-term versus long-term therapies. Short-term (solution-focused and short-term psychodynamic) and long-term (long-term psychodynamic therapy and psychoanalysis) therapies were provided by 70 volunteering, experienced therapists to 333 patients suffering from depressive and/or anxiety disorders. Therapists' professional and personal characteristics, measured prior to the start of the treatments, were assessed with the comprehensive self-report instrument, Development of Psychotherapists Common Core Questionnaire. The Working Alliance Inventory was rated by both therapists and patients at the third session and at the 7 months' follow-up point from the initiation of therapy. Therapists' self-rated basic interpersonal skills were found to predict the formation of better patient-rated alliances in both short-term and long-term therapies. Engaging, encouraging relational style fostered improvement of patients' working alliances especially in the course of short-term therapies. However, it led to patient alliance deterioration in long-term therapies, where constructive coping techniques proved more beneficial. Therapists' professional self-confidence and work enjoyment, along with their self-experiences in personal life, consistently predicted their alliances, but were less salient for patient ratings of alliance. The divergence of therapist and patient viewpoints has implications for therapist training and supervision, as characteristics found detrimental or helpful for the working relationship rated from the perspective of one party may not be predictive of the other therapy participant's experience.

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