
The purpose of this article is to create an overview of diagnostic and therapeutic options for weight regain (WR) and insufficient weight loss (IWL) after bariatric surgery (BS). With increasing popularity of BS, WR is becoming more relevant. We combined recent literature on WR and IWL with personal experience to suggest possible proceedings if WR or IWL is diagnosed. If an anatomical-pathological cause can be detected, surgical therapy is the most effective. If WR or IWL is idiopathic, a multimodal therapeutic concept is necessary for sufficient therapeutic success. Depending on the initial BS, a combination of lifestyle intervention, medication and surgical therapy seems most effective. Extensive diagnostic testing is necessary prior to any surgical intervention. In idiopathic WR after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB), we suggest lengthening the biliopancreatic limb and shortening the common channel. After Sleeve-Gastrectomy (SG), we currently see RYGB as most effective in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and SADI-S as a feasible option if no GERD is present.

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