
A 37-year-old man with a 19-years history of injection drug use (IDU) who had acquired a chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV-) infection 9 years ago, entered the German clinical study on heroine assisted treatment ("Modellprojekt zur heroingestützten Behandlung Opiatabhängiger"). Before study onset he received buprenorphine maintainance treatment, while at the same time engaging in illicit IDU (heroine, cocaine). He lived in a caravan and was on social welfare. PCR revealed a genotype 2 and an HCV-viral load of 310,000 IU/ml. Liver biopsy showed a moderate chronic active hepatitis and a mild portal fibrosis without signs of liver cirrhosis. Within the heroine-assisted treatment program the patient injected heroine under medical supervision several times a day and attended the standardized psychosocial program that comprised an intensive education on HCV-infection. Within a period of ten months of physical and social stabilization he managed to stop illicit drug use, found stable housing and started to work. We then initiated treatment of HCV-infection. Subcutaneous pegylated interferon alpha-2a, peroral ribavirin and intravenous heroine were administered as directly observed therapy. Based on the close mashed care of the heroine assisted treatment setting, side effects were well controllable and reversible after the end of antiviral therapy. A sustained response was obtained. After careful indication, heroine-assisted treatment with particularly intensive medical and psychological care can offer appropriate conditions for a save and successful treatment of hepatitis C as well as for a sustained result.

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