
Essential Role, Forms and Conditions of Administration of Trace Elements. Risk Assessment for Essential Trace Elements in Humans W. Mertz. Trace Element Supplementation at Different Periods of Age. Essential Trace Elements in the Nutrition of Infants B. Bratter. Trace Elements in Relation with Inflammatory Conditions and Infections and in Digestive Diseases. Copper and Zinc in the Pathophysiology and Treatment of Inflammatory Disorders R. Milanino, et al. Trace Elements in Endocrinology and Nutrition. Type II Diabetes and Chromium R.A. Anderson, et al. Pharmacological Applications of Trace Elements. Pharmacological Uses of Zinca and Other Trace Elements in Dermatology M.T. Leccia. Trace Eleents, Teeth, Bone Physiology and Bone Diseases. Trace Elements and Bone Metabolism A. Peretz. Status, Epidemiology of Trace Elements and Intervention Studies. Degree, Clinical Consequences and Eradication of Iodine Deficiency in Europe F. Delange. Genetic Disorders of Copper Metabolism. The Copper-Transporting ATPases Defective in Menkes Disease and Wilson Disease D. Cox. 66 Additional Articles. Index.

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