
AbstractThis article is a report of a research project examining the effectiveness of an approach to healing known as Therapeutic Touch (TT) in dementia care. TT is widely used but has been little researched in the field of dementia, and the study also aimed to explore the impact of TT on staff who learned the technique. Touch is considered to be a core aspect of giving care, a primary means by which people can feel connected to others, and loved and valued. Using touch to help and heal has been at the core of many religious and spiritual traditions. Touch is a way of communicating when all else may fail, and the use of touch in the context of TT requires the compassionate presence of the practitioner, with the intention focused on the wellbeing and healing of the other. The study indicates benefits to both patients and practitioners from TT. An explanation of the study methodology, results and conclusions are provided in this summary. Copyright © 2004 Whurr Publishers Ltd.

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