
For over a century, the goal of therapeutic medicine has been to specifically correct the biochemical abnormalities identifiable in diseased cells by using pharmaceutical drugs. The amounts of drug prescribed are consistent with direct biochemical effects on the diseased cells. By contrast, homeopathy claims that sub-biochemical amounts of various drugs can also have specific beneficial effects. A different interpretation of homeopathy is offered in this article. It is that homeopathy does not have the specificity claimed by its proponents, yet can be therapeutic by enhancing the body’s alternative cellular energy (ACE) pathway. It is proposed that effective homeopathic liquid formulations are characterized by an enhanced kinetic activity resulting from the absorption of an environmental force termed KELEA (Kinetic Energy Limiting Electrostatic Attraction). Various diluted herbal tinctures are able to transfer KELEA into water; a process facilitated by succussion (repeated jolting). Once water is sufficiently activated it can then directly absorb KELEA from the environment leading to its further activation and to the potential energy transfer to added water. It can similarly be used to provide KELEA to the body’s fluids and, thereby, enhance the body’s ACE pathway.

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