
Introduction: Among the quarter of medical management, the drug is placed next to the physician in the chronology of importance. Chirabilva [Holoptelia integrifolia (Roxb.) Planch] is one of the best drugs, which can use internally and externally in many diseases. It is described right from the time of Charak Samhita and had a wide range of therapeutic effects. Many formulations are indicated in Gulma, Arsha, Prameha, Shoola, Grahani, Kandu, Kushtha, and Jwara. Also, in Bhavprakash it is indicated in the treatment of Vami, Pitta Arsha, Krumi, Kushtha, and Prameh.Aim: The aim of this work was to study the Ayurveda literature to collect information regarding the internal therapeutic uses of Chirabilva (Holopteliaintegrifolia Planch). Materials and Methods: A literature review of Chirabilva from Charak Samhita, Susruta Samhita, Bhaisajya Ratnavali, Bharat Bhaisajya Ratnavali, Yoga Ratnakara, Gada Nigraha, and other relevant literature, and various database regarding various formulations, dosage form, indications, and useful parts. Observation and Result: During the literature review, reviewed total 309 formulations, like, Mahatiktak Ghrita, Dhanvantar Ghrita, Putikadhya Ghrita, Kalyanaka Lavana, Himsradhya Ghrita, Abhaya Lavana, Chirbilvadi Kwatha, Chirbilvadhya Churna, Panchamrut Parpati, etc. in 20 different dosage forms of Chirabilva were cited to be recommended in 19 diseases which are Gulma, Arsha, Prameha, Shoola, Grahani, Kandu, Kushtha, Jwara, Pandu, Sotha, Krimi, Swasa, Apasmara, Unmada, Graha Roga, etc. Conclusion: Chirabilva is cited in 19 diseases in 20 different dosage forms. It is mainly indicated in Gulma Roga, Arsha Roga, and Shoola. Based on the outcome of this literature review, new formulations and dosage forms can be developed using this abundantly available medicinal plant.

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