
Background. Cannabidiol (CBD), found in Cannabis sativa (hemp), is a non-psychoactive phytochemical substance that has gained considerable popularity over the past decade. Cannabidiol is the main phytocannabinoid, its share in the plant extract can reach 40%. Cannabidiol does not have any of the psychoactive properties that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and has a significant advantage for clinical use. Studies of cannabidiol involve studies of cognitive, anxiety and movement disorders, and chronic pain, but there is a lack of high-quality evidence that cannabidiol is effective for these conditions, such as safety and precise dose ranges for each disorder.
 Aim: to analyze the main achievements in the development of experimental and clinical use of cannabidiol.
 Materials and methods. We conducted a search for scientific studies related to the therapeutic use of cannabidiol. The included studies were selected based on a search of the online databases PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar for documents related to the history of research and use of cannabidiol (cannabis, cannabidiol, tetrahydrocannabinol, endocannabinoid system, cannabinoid receptors were used as keywords). The search was carried out by two independent authors and 158 sources were selected for analysis, of which 61 were used that met the search criteria.
 Results. Based on the analysis of experimental and clinical studies, it was established that cannabidiol has various properties, including antiapoptotic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antipsychotic and neuroprotective. In addition, basic and clinical studies of the effects of cannabidiol have been conducted in the context of many other health conditions, including its potential use in epilepsy, depression, neurodystrophic diseases, schizophrenia, and social phobia.
 Conclusion. Therefore, cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive phytochemical compound that can help patients with a different clinical condition. Despite the achievements, further studies are needed to determine the administration regimen and dose, likely side effects with long-term use, particularly in clinical settings.

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