
Notwithstanding the fact that the literature medicine is teeming with disquisitions and discussions upon the subject rheumatism, there appears to be nothing within the whole range pathologic investigation upon which the profession to-day stands so greatly at variance as upon this, perhaps the most cosmopolitan of all the ills that flesh is heir to. Theory after theory has been propounded and exploded; remedy after remedy proposed and rejected until the whole Pharmacopœia has been exhausted, and the shelves the apothecary crowded to overflowing with charlatan nostrums and proprietary preparations sufficient to float a fleet, in the apparently vain effort to find relief from this universal and intractable malady. While, therefore, I do not propose to add anything to the fund actual information on the pathologic principles upon which rheumatism is founded, I do propose to bring out and apply those principles in such a manner

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