
ABSTRACT Testicular cancer (TC) primarily affects men aged 15 to 40 years, and the incidence is around 5/100,000. Tumors are usually aggressive and have a great psychological impact on patients. Penile cancer (PC) represents 2% of all types of tumors that affect men in Brazil. Most of the affected population are elderly men. Usually, the tumor is identified at an advanced stage, when the only treatment available is total or partial penectomy, causing a great emotional impact. This work aims to evaluate the impact of psychotherapy, in an open group, on Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) and Sexuality in patients with TC and PC who have been diagnosed, are undergoing treatment - surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or hormone therapy - or who are being followed up after treatment. Data will be collected through an initial interview (Identification, Anamnesis, Health Anamnesis, Degree of Satisfaction with Life and Sexuality, Affective-Emotional Assessment and Treatment Data), SF-36 and IIEF-5 short form questionnaire, in patients who are diagnosed, who have undergone treatment - surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or hormone therapy - or who are being monitored at the clinic, and reapplication at the end of 12 sessions of group psychotherapy. Each session will be answered 5 questions related to the perception of the previous session. The group is available for 2 years, once a week, and the patient will attend 12 sessions. The sessions last 90 minutes, conducted by the same psychologist. The research is been developed considering the ethical principles of secrecy, privacy, confidentiality and non-identification of the interviewees' data. The study does not pose risks to the subjects and invasive techniques of the body or psychological suffering will not be used. Before starting the process, the Informed Consent Form (TCLE) is delivered, as well as the provision of all details regarding the research. It is also explained that participation is voluntary and that the participant can leave the research at any time, without prejudice to their treatment and monitoring. Only patients who meet all these criteria will be included, after signing the informed consent. Disclosure Work supported by industry: no.

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