
Several studies support group therapy effectiveness due to the activation in patients of unique psychological mechanisms defined as non-specific therapeutic factors (Therapeutic Factors-TFs), which shape the setting and, at the same time, enhance the specific group therapeutic factors. The objectives of this study were to preliminarly validate Therapeutic Factors Inventory-8 (TFI-8) Italian version and identify group therapeutic factors. In a psychiatric residential facility, a weekly psychotherapeutic group was evaluated during 1year. One scale on group process (TFI-8, Ferrara-Group Experience Scale) and three clinical scales (Brief Symptom Inventory-53, Sheehan Disability Scale, WHO Quality of Life-Bref) were administered to participating patients. Internal consistency, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), convergent validity of TFI-8 were assessed. Correlations between TFI-8 and other scale scores and selected variables were pwerformed. Our sample consisted of 64 participants. TFI-8 showed good internal consistency (Chronbach's alpha = 0.84), concurrent validity with Fe-GES (Rho = 0.42, p = 0.0008). EFA highlighted a single Factor, accounting for 92% of variance. TFI-8 was not significantly related to clinical scale scores. TFI-8 Italian version proved to be a valid and reliable tool which allowed us to identify one therapeutic factor indicating relational attraction in group therapy, composed of three dimensions: infusion of hope, cohesion and social learning.

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