
The aim was to evaluate and compare the therapeutic effect of sodium hyaluronate (SH) and corticosteroids (CS) on pain and temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). Thirty patients with TMD [characterized by painful symptoms, affectations, and limitations of the mandibular movement and noises or clicks in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)] were selected and divided into two equal groups nonrandomized. The clinical questionnaire was applied to each patient before performing the clinical procedures and included a visual analog scale with progressive values from 0 to 10 for the measurement of pain and clinical examination: maximum oral aperture (MOA), mandibular laterotrusive movement (MLM), and maximum protrusion (MP), before and after infiltration intra-articular with SH and CS up to 2 months. Both groups described benefits from treatment at the 1st and 2nd weeks, and at 1 and 2 months of follow-up, presenting a reduction in TMJ pain, and improvement in mandibular mobility with an increase of the MOA, lateralities, and protrusion. No statistically significant difference was found among these variables between the two drugs. However, SH showed a greater therapeutic effect in relation to a reduction in joint noises compared to CS. Intra-articular infiltration with SH and CS in TMD is effective for the relief of TMJ pain and also reduces joint noises and improves mandibular mobility. Both drugs can be used with similar optimal results in the treatment of TMD. This research allows to know what is the therapeutic impact of injectable CS on the TMJ.

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