
Radiation exposure remains an unceasing concern in angiographic procedures. Modern angiography machines such as analog image intensifiers (AII) or the new flat panel detectors (FPD) aim at a further dose reduction. To present dose area products (DAP) in a broad spectrum of therapeutic angiographic procedures, comparing an AII to an FPD angiography system. A total of 999 peripheral therapeutic angiography procedures performed with an FPD (n = 562) and an AII system (n = 437) were evaluated. DAP, fluoroscopy time, and patients' body mass index (BMI) were recorded. Interventions were classified into five main groups: percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA); PTA and stent placement; intra-arterial thrombolysis; embolization procedures; and specialized interventions. DAP values in therapeutic angiographic procedures were significantly higher when performed with the FPD compared to the AII system. The increase of the FPD versus AII system was 100.1% for PTA, 39.9% for PTA and stent placement, 187% for intra-arterial thrombolysis, 31.3% for embolization procedures, and 361% for specialized interventions. These differences persisted after standardizing DAP values to the geometric mean fluoroscopy duration of each procedure. Fluoroscopy times were shorter in all interventions performed at the FPD as compared to the AII system. DAPs increased with higher BMI, but the DAP increase of both systems with elevated BMI was variable, depending on the individual intervention. In therapeutic angiographic procedures, the FPD system required higher DAPs despite shorter fluoroscopy times as compared to an AII system. Better ergonomics and speediness of the FPD system may be advantageous in the emergency setting.

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