
Treatment and diagnostic advances in Stickler syndrome The Stickler syndromes are a group of related connective tissue disorders that are associated with short-sight and a very high risk of blindness from detachment of the retina - the light sensitive film at the back of the eye. Other features include cleft palate, deafness and premature arthritis. It is the most common cause of retinal detachment in children and the most common cause of familial or inherited retinal detachment. In contrast to most other forms of blinding genetic eye disease, blindness from retinal detachment in Stickler syndrome is largely avoidable with accurate diagnosis and prophylactic (preventive) surgery. Recent advances in the understanding of the genetic causes of Stickler syndrome mean that the diagnosis can now be confirmed in over 95% of cases and, most importantly, the patient's individual risk of retinal detachment can be graded. Preventative surgery is hugely effective in reducing the incidence of retinal detachment in those patients shown to be at high risk. NHS England have led the way in the multidisciplinary care for patients with Stickler syndrome by launching a highly specialist service that has been free at point of care to all NHS patients in England since 2011 (https://www.england.nhs.uk/commissioning/spec-services/highly-spec-services, www.vitreoretinalservice.org).

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