
A theory of the Stark effect of the metastable levels of the c3 Pi u state of H2 is presented that contains no adjustable parameters and which takes into account the fine structure of the excited triplet states. It is shown that the Stark effect is due almost entirely to the close proximity of the a 3 Sigma g+ state. Numerical values of Stark shifts are calculated and compared with recent experimental values. This allows an assessment of the accuracy of Freis and Hiskes (1970) ab initio value of the electronic transition moment connecting the c and a states. The Franck-Condon factors and r centroids used in the numerical computations were calculated from RKR potential curves appropriate for the rotational quantum number N=2. These potential curves were constructed from new a 3 Sigma g+ and c 3 Pi u state molecular constants, which were determined from least-squares fits to the best available experimental rovibronic energy levels.

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