
A theoretical study of resonant tunneling in multilayered heterostructures is presented based on an exact solution of the Schrödinger equation under the application of a constant electric field. By use of the transfer matrix approach, the transmissivity of the structure is determined as a function of the incident electron energy. The approach presented herein is easily extended to many layer structures where it is more accurate than other existing transfer matrix or Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin (WKB) models. The transmission resonances are compared to the bound-state energies calculated for a finite square well under bias using either an asymmetric square-well model or the exact solution of an infinite square well under the application of an electric field. The results show good agreement with other existing models as well as with the bound-state energies. The calculations were then applied to a new superlattice structure, the variably spaced superlattice energy filter, which is designed such that under bias the spatial quantization levels fully align. Based on these calculations, a new class of resonant tunneling superlattice devices can be designed.

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