
Predicting time-dependent quantum transport in the transient regime is important for understanding the intrinsic dynamic response of a nanodevice and for predicting the limit of how such a device can switch on or off a current. Theoretically, this problem becomes quite difficult to solve when the nanodevice contains disorder because the calculated transient current must be averaged over many disorder configurations. In this work, we present a theoretical formalism to calculate the configuration averaged time-dependent current flowing through a phase coherent device containing disorder sites where the transient current is driven by sharply turning on and off the external bias voltage. Our theory is based on the Keldysh nonequilibrium Green's function (NEGF) formalism and is applicable in the far from equilibrium nonlinear response quantum transport regime. The effects of disorder scattering are dealt with by the coherent potential approximation (CPA) extended in the time domain. We show that after approximations such as CPA and vertex corrections for calculating the multiple impurity scattering in the transient regime, the derived NEGFs perfectly satisfy a Ward identity. The theory is quantitatively verified by comparing its predictions to the exact solution for a tight-binding model of a disordered two-probe transport junction.

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