
The effect of an external magnetic field on the resistivity of dilute magnetic alloys is investigated with the use of the Green's functions. The equation of motion for the Zubarev Green's functions with an external magnetic field included is solved correctly up to order J 3 and to all orders in V , where J is the exchange integral and V the spin-independent potential. The effect of the external magnetic field is involved in the Zeeman term of logarithmic terms and in F σ (ω) which shows the effect of freezing out of spin-flip scattering. The effect of the spin-independent potential is involved in the modified density of states \( \tilde{\rho}\) and in a phase δ v of the t matrix. The magnetoresistance obtained from numerical calculation shows a variety of patterns which are classified by the sign of \(J \tilde{\rho}\) and the value of the phase shift δ v .

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