
We propose modified Bloch equations (MBEs) with specific power-dependentrelaxation and dispersion parameters characteristic for two-pulse excitation andwhen the magnetic dipole–dipole interactions in the electron spin systemcontrol the dephasing. We discriminate between the ‘active’ (excited byboth pulses) and ‘passive’ (excited by the second pulse only) spins: it isshown that the ‘active’ spins participate in a new effect, an active spinfrequency modulation effect giving rise to the power-dependent dispersion andmultiple electron spin echoes (ESEs); the ‘passive’ spins contribute tothe power-dependent relaxation. The MBEs are solved and a generalexpression for the two-pulse ESEs is obtained. Detailed numerical analysis ofthis expression gives results in good quantitative agreement with therecent experiments on the two-pulse ESEs at conventional low appliedfields. The developed theory is applied also to high field ESEs, whichare promising for future investigations. On the basis of published resultsit is deduced that the instantaneous diffusion mechanism is ineffective.

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