
Data from recent laser‐shock experiments or from simulations using density functional theory (DFT), molecular dynamics (MD), path integrals etc. that are available for warm dense carbon are compared with the corresponding results predicted using the neutral pseudo‐atom [NPA] method. The NPA results are in good agreement not only with the 3–12 g/cm3 regimes that have been studied via path‐integral Monte Carlo methods but even at low densities and low temperatures where transient covalent bonding dominates ionic correlations. Thus, the “prepeak” due to the C–C bond at ∼1.4 Å and other features found in the pair distribution function g[r] from DFT + MD simulations at 0.86 eV and 3.7 g/cm3 and other densities etc. are recovered accurately in the NPA + HNC (hypernetted‐chain) calculations. The exploration of regimes not covered by previous studies is presented together with evidence of an unusual phase transition of carbon in the liquid state to a vapour, as seen from the loss of ion–ion correlations. An abrupt decrease in the number of free electrons per ion occurs simultaneously. A metallic liquid with strong ionic correlations arising from transient C–C bonds becomes a metallic vapour. This occurs when carbon at the density of ∼1.0 g/cm3 and mean ionization Z = 4 transits abruptly to a disordered mono‐atomic vapour at 7 eV, with Z ≃ 3. The behaviour of the pressure, compressibility and the electrical conductivity as well as physical quantities available from X‐ray Thomson scattering are presented across the tentatively proposed phase transition.

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