
We present a theory of the acoustic phonon assisted spin-flip Raman scattering (SFRS), or resonant photoluminescence with the spin flip of a photoexcited exciton localized in a bulk cubic-phase perovskite semiconductor. We consider the spin-flip transitions between the ground-state exciton spin sublevels in external magnetic field B and discuss the variation of their probability rate and polarization selection rules with the increase of B. The transitions are treated as two-quantum processes with the virtual to and fro transfer of the electron in the electron-hole pair between the bottom and first excited conduction bands. The transfer occurs due to both the electron-hole exchange interaction and the electron-phonon interaction. The theoretical results allow one to distinguish the phonon assisted Raman scattering from (a) the resonant Raman scattering with the combined spin flip of the localized resident electron and hole and (b) the biexciton-mediated SFRS analyzed previously.

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