
To achieve the effectiveness of the integrated process of organizational and technological design in construction, it is necessary to use the latest achievements of science in this area, taking into account the experience of their implementation. The main function of organizational and technological design is to model the implementation of construction processes (taking into account the identification and analysis of previous work), determine the options for connections and their priority, and, ultimately, select the most rational organizational and technological solutions that ensure the readiness of facilities and the construction organization for implementation. works. This choice is carried out with the help of a multi-criteria, multi-level assessment of such decisions based on computational and information modeling of construction processes, the choice of organization methods and technology for the production of works, the creation of an information base to provide construction with all types of resources, using information and software and the development of organizational and technological documentation. In Russia, in recent years, project management in the construction industry has become increasingly widespread. This is due to the modern processes of globalization, development and the emergence of common properties of the organizational structures of Russian and foreign construction companies to achieve the effectiveness of the functioning of such organizations. The unification of the target functions of construction organizations makes it possible to obtain a comprehensive, global management structure for efficient construction enterprises, which leads to the development of project management uniformity and the necessary development of organizational and technological design as a necessary stage in the construction of residential, social, cultural or other facilities.

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