
Narrative ambiguity, a concept which has only recently achieved prominence in literary criticism, has important implications for the performance of literature as well. Few studies exist which focus exclusively on narrative ambiguity. Most, instead, discuss the semantic kind. Recently, however, the increase of interest in the narrative form in general has precipitated interest in narrative ambiguity as well. In the field of the performance of literature, however, no one has investigated this phenomenon until now. The purpose of this study was to define and describe narrative ambiguity through an examination and identification of it both in theoretical writings and in selected novels of contemporary author John Hawkes in order to uncover implications for its performance. Generally, ambiguity did not achieve status as a praiseworthy artistic device until 1930 and the publication of William Empson's Seven Types of Ambiguity in which he defined ambiguity generally as having more than one meaning. Unfortunately, this view of ambiguity has perpetuated a definition so general that it reduces the precision of critical terminology. Ambiguity is one type of multiple meaning unlike other effects such as irony and symbolism which are often confused with it. All multiple meanings depend on reader recognition and participation, but ambiguity differs from other multiple meaning effects in that it calls for two or more interpretations, but prevents the reader from choosing one as correct. Although narrative ambiguity differs from the semantic kind delineated in Empson's book, similarities also exist and this study established the intimate relationship between the two. Semantic ambiguity arises only within words and word phrases. Narrative ambiguity, on the other hand, emanates at the structural level of the narrative form. Thus ambiguity in individual words may reinforce narrative ambiguity but cannot create it. This study suggested classifying ambiguity as either conjunctive or disjunctive. When conjunctive ambiguity operates, two or more meanings arise and complement each other so that the reader need not choose between them. In disjunctive ambiguity, the two meanings mutually exclude each other but are equally tenable. Thus the reader cannot choose. As a result, disjunctive ambiguity is particularly suited to the narrative form and arises in many contemporary narratives, notably those of John Hawkes. Ambiguity is sustained within a narrative in one of two ways. In many novels authored by Henry James and Herman Melville, opposing sets of clues each support the various interpretations. Study of John Hawkes's novels has revealed that the

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