
The article purpose is to cover main milestones of life and scientific path, systematize scientific heritage of famous scientist-breeder in field of animal husbandry, Doctor of Agricultural science, Professor V. Yu. Nedava (1925–2009). Material and methods of research are based on general scientific principles of historical accuracy, objectivity, systematicity, complexity, scientificness, miltifactoriality and comprehensiveness. The source base of the research is manuscripts (archives) and printed documents (statistical materials, scientific papers).
 It is identified three periods of scientific activity Professor V. Yu. Nedava. During first of them (1950–1961) he worked at Transcarpathian State Agricultural Experimental Station as Senior Research Fellow, Head of Department of Animal Husbandry and Depute Director on Scientific Path. The main directions of scientific activities, which were characteristic for this period, improvement of Brown Carpathian cattle. Like the most significant achievements the authors considered establishing the bread area, its origin, studing the exterior-constitutional features, patterns of dairy and beaf productivity formation, drawing up the first perspective plan of breeding work with the breed. Scientist have developed and introduced an oroginal method of ecological selection on the exampl of Brown Carpathian cattle.
 The second period (1961–1975) was marked his activities on base Kyiv Experimental Station of Animal Husbandry «Terezine» in the positions Senior Research Fellow, Head of Department of Cattle Breeding and Depute Director on Scientific Work. He developed the basics of improving the productive and tribal qualities of the Simmental and Black-and-White cattle at pure breeding and crossbreeding, as well as the production of beef by commercial crossing. The most important achievements are the method of estimation of tribal animals for feed conversion with milk, the basics of the increasing of milk fat of the Simmental by the method of introductive crossing.
 The third period of scientist activities covered 1975–1986 and related to his leading of Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Breeding and Artificial Insemination of Cattle (now Institute Animal Breeding and Genetics named after M.V.Zubets NAAS. Key directions of scientist activities are organization of material and technical base, deployment of system scientific researches on breeding and selection, genetics and reproduction of farm animal. It is shown that due to his purposeful activity the experimental and tribal bases of the institute were created, that contributed to the organization of successful scientific efforts of its collective, introduction of the most promising scientific developments in the tribal farms. V. Yu. Nedava main achievements of this period – creation high-productive competitive specialized breeds and types of cattle on the base reproductive crossing, modern methods of genetics and biotechnology were highlighted. Since 1986 he moved to teaching work in National Agrarian University (now National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine).
 The scientific heritage of the scientist was systematized into such blocks: planning and organization of breed work; schemes for organization of large-scale selection in animal husbandry; substantiation of the concept of development of specialized cattle breeding; introduction of intensive technologies of milk and beef production; principles of the theory of tribal selection; breeding, estimation and bull rational use; fundamentals of increasing of cattle milk fat; use the heterosis effect in cattle breeding and others.


  • The main milestones of life and scientific path of famous scientist-breeder in field of animal husbandry, Doctor of Agricultural science, Professor V

  • The scientific heritage of the scientist was systematized, the scientific research on development of the foundations of breeding and selection of traditional for Ukraine breeds of cattle of the last century (Brown Carpathian, Simmental, Black and White), creation on their basis of the specialized breeds and types dairy and beef productivity, that meet the level of European standards, was generalized

  • Contribution of scientist in formation leading sector scientific regional and republic centers – Transcarpathian State Agricultural Experimental Station, Kyiv Experimental Station of Animal Husbandry «Terezino» and Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Breeding and Artificial Insemination of Cattle ( Institute Animal Breeding and Genetics named after M.V.Zubets NAAS)

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The main milestones of life and scientific path of famous scientist-breeder in field of animal husbandry, Doctor of Agricultural science, Professor V. Талановитим ученим-селекціонером минулого століття є доктор сільськогосподарських наук, професор Володимир Юхимович Недава (1925–2009), якому належить вагомий внесок у розробленні основ розведення традиційних для України минулого століття порід великої рогатої худоби, обґрунтуванні схем їх раціонального використання в регіональних умовах виробництва продукції тваринництва, створенні на їх материнській основі високопродуктивних спеціалізованих порід і типів молочного та м’ясного напрямів продуктивності. Ю. Недаву переводять на посаду старшого наукового співробітника відділу скотарства Київської дослідної станції тваринництва «Терезине», де він майже 15 років досліджує проблеми поліпшення продуктивних і племінних якостей симентальської худоби за чистопорідного розведення і схрещування.

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