
Part 1 Theories of general education: idealism - historical background, the ideal university, theology and the proper role of the university, knowledge, utility and the role of the university, principles and assumptions of Newman's idealism progressivism - historical background, Dewey's quest for certainty, democracy and education, principles and assumptions of Dewey's progressivism essentialism - historical background, Hutchin's lament, general education - the great books program, beyond general education - the higher learning, principles and assumptions of Hutchins' essentialism pragmatism - historical background, the fall from unity, characteristics of the multiversity, sources of stability, principles and assumptions of Kerr's pragmatism. Part 2 The critical theory of Jurgen Habermas: the ground for a critical theory of society the theory of communicative action principles of Habermas' critical theory. Part 3 A critical theory of general education: approaches to general education - an assessment a critical theory of education - the philosophical grounds, the articulation and planning phase, the implementation and maintenance phase, the delivery phase.

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