
chapter 1 Preface chapter 2 Part I: CONCEPTUALIZING CULTURE chapter 3 1. What is (are) Culture(s)? chapter 4 2. Emics and Etics chapter 5 3. The Nature of Cultural Things chapter 6 4. Science, Objectivity, Morality chapter 7 Part II: BIOLOGY AND CULTURE chapter 8 5. De-biologizing Culture: The Boasians chapter 9 6. Biologizing Inequality chapter 10 7. IQ Is Not Forever chapter 11 8. Neo-Darwinism chapter 12 9. Confronting Ethnomania chapter 13 PART III: EXPLANATORY PRINCIPLES chapter 14 10. Holism chapter 15 11. Cultural Materialism chapter 16 12. Post-Modernism chapter 17 PART IV: MACRO-EVOLUTION chapter 18 13. Origins of Capitalism chapter 19 14. The Soviet Collapse chapter 20 References chapter 21 About the Author chapter 22 Index

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