
Theoretical transition probabilities between the lowest 2S, 2P and 2D states of the alkali atoms Na through Cs have been computed using near Hartree-Fock quality Slater basis sets. The important core-valence correlation effects are incorporated explicitly by a configuration-interaction procedure. For Cs, the calculations were repeated using a Gaussian basis set so that relativistic effects could be incorporated through an effective core potential procedure. The best calculated electric quadrupole Einstein coefficients are Na(196.3/s), K(103.6/s), Rb(72.4/s) and Cs(19.7/s). Core-valence effects become increasingly important down the column, and reduce the quadrupole transition strengths to about the same degree as for the 2P-2S and 2D-2P dipole-allowed transitions. Relativistic effects increase the quadrupole moment of Cs, but less so than in Ba, presumably because the alkali 2D states are more diffuse.

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