
AbstractOn the basis of ZINDO program, we have designed a program to calculate the nonlinear second‐order polarizability βyk and βμ according to the SOS expression. The second‐order nonlinear optical properties of 4‐nitro‐4′‐dimethylamino‐stilbene and a series of its thiazole derivatives were studied. The calculated results were that: When replacing a benzene ring in 4‐nitro‐4′‐dimethylamino‐stilbene by a thiazole ring, the influence on β values depends on the position of thiazole ring. When the thiazole ring connects with nitro group (acceptor), the β values increase significantly compared with corresponding stilbene derivatives. The β values of 2‐(p‐donor‐β‐styryl)‐5‐nitro‐thiazole derivatives (2–7) are larger than those of 2‐(p‐nitro‐β‐styryl)‐5‐donor‐thiazole derivatives (8–13) and 2‐(p‐donor‐phenyl)‐azo‐5‐nitro‐thiazole derivatives (14–19). The 2‐(p‐donor‐β‐styryl)‐5‐nitro‐thiazole derivatives (2–7) are good candidates as chromophores duo to their high nonlinearities and potential good thermal stability.

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