
Recent experimental study on Strontium Niobate Oxide system has revealed unconventional plasmons generated due to confinement by oxygen planes. A phenomenological model accompanied the experimental data on that report has suggested that the confined electrons behave as harmonic oscillators. These motivate us to further study the effect of space confinement to the electrons on the formation of unconventional plasmons theoretically. For this purpose, we propose a method of modeling the generation of the unconventional plasmons in a finite system. The dynamics of correlated electrons in this confined system is described using finite-size 3D Hubbard model that is solved within mean field approximation. We study a hypothetical cubic system that consists of 5x5x5 single-orbital atoms. The calculation is done with and without incorporating the on-site Coulomb repulsion. We also consider both restricted and unrestricted mean field treatments to the calculation. Our dielectric function results show that for restricted mean field with U = 0 eV and unrestricted mean field with U ≤ 2 eV, the system is metal and only two and four unconventional plasmons found respectively. While, for U > 2 eV, it becomes insulator and shows more emergence of unconventional plasmons.

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