
A theoretical characterization of the potential energy surfaces of the singlet benzene excimer states derived from the B2u monomer excited state has been performed using time-dependent density functional theory. The excited-state potential energy surfaces were initially characterized by computations along the parallel and perpendicular intermolecular translational coordinates. These calculations predict that the lowest excited state for parallel translation is bound with a minimum at 3.15 angstroms and with a binding energy of 0.46 eV, while the perpendicular translational coordinate was essentially found to be a repulsive state. At the calculated minimum distance, the effect of in-plane rotation, out-of-plane rotation, and slipped-parallel translation were examined. The rotational calculations predict that deviations from the D6h geometry lead to a destabilization of the excimer state; however, small angular variations in the range of 0 degrees -10 degrees are predicted to be energetically feasible. The slipped-parallel translational calculations also predict a destabilizing effect on the excimer state and were found to possess barriers to this type of dissociation in the range of 0.50-0.61 eV. When compared to experimentally determined values for the benzene excimer energetics, the calculated values were found to be in semiquantitative agreement. Overall, this study suggests that the time-dependent density functional theory method can be used to characterize the potential energy surfaces and the energetics of aromatic excimers with reasonable accuracy.

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