
We have computed the cross sections for the energy transfer process Cd(5p3P0) + Na(3s2S) → Cd(5s1S) + Na(4p2P) and for the state changing collision Na(4p2P) + Na(3s2S) → Na(3d2D) + Na(3s2S), based on theoretical interaction potentials for the NaCd and Na2 systems, respectively. Our calculations shed light on the interpretation of experiments with laser excited Na+Cd vapour mixtures [1]. It turns out that Cd(5p3P0), in rapid equilibrium with the doorway state Cd(5p3P1), efficiently transfers energy to Na, populating the 4p2P state. The collisions with ground state Na cause a very fast conversion of the 4p3P1 to the 3d2D state, from which the strongest emission is observed.

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