
In the present study, we propose a physical model to study spin transport through DNA system and provide apparent physical mechanism for spin dependent phenomenon. The system considered in our work is DNA bases guanine-cytosine coupled to two ferromagnetic leads (FM-(G/C)10-FM) in parallel and anti-parallel configuration case, throughout magnetic quantum contacts. Our treatment is based on the tight binding model to derive obvious formula for the transmission spectrum which is employed to investigate the spin dependent current-bias voltage characteristics and the temperature - Conductance dependence. Our calculations of for strong, weak and without backbone regimes. Various factors are involved in our -study. These are the electrical contacts between DNA molecules and electrodes, the structure of DNA molecule and the environment around DNA molecule. The system spin dependent factors, that are investigated extensively in our study include the spin dependent coupling between subsystems, the quantum contacts between active region and electrodes, majority and minority electrons spin in the ferromagnetic leads as well as externally applied bias voltage. Variation of these factors can enhanced or suppressed spin transport through (G/C)10 molecule. The transmission spectrum calculations conform that the spin transport throughout (G/C)10 originates by a coherent tunneling process between neighboring bases through the overlapping of the LUMO orbitals of the bases. Our results showed that the spin-polarized transport that can be effectively regulated by the type of regime as well as the spin configuration in the leads which can exhibit efficient spin filtering and spin switching by employing the spin blockade phenomenon

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