
AbstractWe present here a relatively comprehensive theoretical study, based on nonlocal density functional theory calculations, of the energetics, electron distributions, and structural features of the low‐lying electronic states of various high‐valent intermediates of manganese porphyrins. Two classes of molecules have been examined: (a) compounds with the general formula [(P)MnX2]0 (P = porphyrin; X = F, Cl, PF6) and (b) high‐valent manganese‐oxo species. For [(P)Mn(PF6)2]0, the calculations reveal a number of nearly equienergetic quartet and sextet states as the lowest states, consistent with experimental results on a comparable species, [(TMP)Mn(ClO4)2]0 (TMP = tetramesitylporphyrin). In contrast, [(P)MnCl2]0 and [(P)MnF2]0 have a single well‐defined S = 3/2 Mn(IV) ground state, again in agreement with experiment, with the three unpaired spins largely concentrated (>90%) on the manganese atom. Manganese(IV)‐oxo porphyrins have an S = 3/2 ground state, with the three unpaired spins distributed approximately 2.3:0.7 between the manganese and oxygen atoms. The metal‐to‐oxygen spin delocalization, as measured by the oxygen spin population, for MnIV = O porphyrins is less than, but still qualitatively similar to, that in analogous iron(IV)‐oxo intermediates, indicating that the MnIV = O bond is significantly weaker than the FeIV = O bond in an analogous molecule. Thus, the optimized metal—oxygen bond distances are 1.654 and 1.674 Å for (P)FeIV(O)(Py) and (P)MnIV(O)(Py), respectively (Py = pyridine). This is consistent with the experimental observation that MnIV = O stretching frequencies are over 10% lower than FeIV = O stretching frequencies for analogous compounds. For [(P)Mn(O)(PF6)]0, [(P)Mn(O)(Py)]+, and [(P)Mn(O)(F)]0, the ground states clearly correspond to a (dxy)2 Mn(V) configuration and the short Mn–O distances of 1.541, 1.546, and 1.561 Å for the three compounds, respectively, reflect the formal triple bond character of the Mn–O interaction. Interestingly, the corresponding Mn(IV)‐oxo porphyrin cation radical states are calculated to be a few tenths of an electrovolt higher than the Mn(V) ground states, suggesting that the Mn(IV)‐oxo porphyrin cation radicals are not likely to exist as ground‐state species.

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