
The introduction of high-speed traffic in the railways of Ukraine is one of the priorityareas of development of the domestic railway industry. Foreign experience in the operation of highspeed and high-speed lines has a positive impact on the overall economic performance of thesecountries by increasing the mobility of means of production and human resources. In addition,increasing speeds requires the introduction of new types of rolling stock and railway structures withunconditional provision of the required level of safety. This is possible only through a comprehensiveapproach to these issues, both through experimental tests and theoretical calculations. This studytheoretically assessed the possibility of operating intermediate rail fasteners type KPP-5 Ukrainianproduction in areas where in the medium term, it is planned to increase speeds, i.e. to reach a levelof more than 160 km/h. To achieve this goal, multivariate calculations were performed to determinethe stress state that penetrates the elements of the railway track under the action of rolling stock.Four types of high-speed locomotives and electric trains, which have been operated on the railwaylines of the European Union for a long time, were selected as units of account in the study. For alltypes of rolling stock (locomotives and high-speed electric trains) for which calculations wereperformed, the obtained values of stresses acting in the elements of the railway track do not exceedthe allowable. That is, in terms of strength, intermediate rail fasteners type KPP-5 Ukrainianproduction can be operated in straight sections at speeds over 160 km / h with heat-treated rails typeR65 on reinforced concrete sleepers with laying diagram 1840 pcs / km with gravel ballast 40 cmthick. Analytical comparison of the level of stresses arising in the railway track elements in lines withintermediate rail fastening type KPP-5 made in Ukraine and the W30 rail fastening systemmanufactured by Vossloh showed approximately the same level of stress in the railway track elements.However, it should be noted that the above conclusions are only theoretical in nature and for thefinal determination of the possibility of operation of the intermediate rail fastening type KPP-5 inreal conditions (at speeds greater than 160 km / h) requires additional experimental studies.

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