
The uniqueness of educational tasks in the study of literature grows out of the specific features of the school subject itself, which incorporates enormous reserves of aesthetic and moral education in close interrelation. The objective connection between the aesthetic and the ethical, between art and morality comprises the basis for education during the experiencing and understanding of literature and art. "The educational significance of art is immense," stated A. V. Lunacharskii. "In my view, this is its main role, and the question of educational significance is the most important of all the questions that may be posed in connection with art" (in the collection Revolution — Art — Children [Revoliutsiia-iskusstvo-deti], Moscow, "Prosveshchenie" Publishers, 1966). Raising and strengthening the role of art in communist education and in the ideological struggle and securing the comprehensive development of the individual prompt modern researchers to articulate the nature of the aesthetic and the essence of art.

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