
Importance. The rapid growth in the number of student sports teams in recent years has predetermined the issue of combining sports and academic activities. In this regard, the considered aspects of the processes of fatigue and recovery in amateur sports become relevant and require analysis and systematization of the views of domestic and foreign scientists on the issues of localization and mechanisms of development of fatigue, as well as the patterns and time of recovery of the athlete’s body in the process of training activities. The study purpose: analysis and systematization of scientific articles on the problem of fatigue and recovery of the athlete’s body after physical activity, determination of the fundamental scheme for the formation of the content and focus of training sessions based on the analysis of the theoretical component of the problem of fatigue and recovery during physical activity of various nature, direction and magnitude in different types of sports.Materials and Methods. The study is conducted on the basis of studies concerning the problem of interaction of the body’s life-supporting systems in the development of fatigue mechanisms, published in scientific journals, monographs of famous physiologists covering a large time period. The study is based on a systemic-structural approach, which allows, during the analysis of scientific publications, to identify the main patterns of the development of mechanisms and localization of fatigue, to put forward hypotheses regarding the prospects for developing an appropriate scheme for the formation of the content and focus of training sessions, to determine the range of issues that require instrumental confirmation of the recovery time of the athlete’s body during combining various characteristic aspects of loads in the training process. Within the framework of this study, the following research methods are used: scientific and methodological literature analysis, systematization, pedagogical observation, generalization.Results and Discussion. In the course of the study, the main factors are identified that influence the mechanisms of the development of fatigue during work of various sizes and directions, in different intensity zones; The interrelationships of various localization systems and mechanisms of fatigue development, as well as energy supply to support the athlete’s vital activity during physical activity, are revealed. An attempt is made to substantiate the strategy of expediently combining types of training activities, the content and focus of training sessions in the preparatory period of pre-season training for students involved in hockey at Hockey club “Derzhava”.Conclusion. Research prospects include issues of experimental substantiation of the construction of a system of training sessions, taking into account the registration of the main indicators of lifesupport systems, allowing the trainer to expediently distribute and quickly regulate training loads and ensure the effectiveness of recovery processes in the period under study.

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