
Objective. K-shell x-ray fluorescence (KXRF) techniques have been used to identify health effects resulting from exposure to metals for decades, but the equipment is bulky and requires significant maintenance and licensing procedures. A portable x-ray fluorescence (XRF) device was developed to overcome these disadvantages, but introduced a measurement dependency on soft tissue thickness. With recent advances to detector technology, an XRF device utilizing the advantages of both systems should be feasible.Approach. In this study, we used Monte Carlo simulations to test the feasibility of an XRF device with a high-energy x-ray tube and detector operable at room temperature.Main Results. We first validated the use of Monte Carlo N-particle transport code (MCNP) for x-ray tube simulations, and found good agreement between experimental and simulated results. Then, we optimized x-ray tube settings and found the detection limit of the high-energy x-ray tube based XRF device for bone lead measurements to be 6.91 µg g−1 bone mineral using a cadmium zinc telluride detector.Significance. In conclusion, this study validated the use of MCNP in simulations of x-ray tube physics and XRF applications, and demonstrated the feasibility of a high-energy x-ray tube based XRF for metal exposure assessment.

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